Jake Smith

Jake Smith
Nickname: Jacobee
Age: 27
Hometown: Sioux Falls, SD
Years playing : Been playing darts since I was 4 years old.
Family. Wife (Hunter) and 2 boys
Employer. Orion Food Systems
Hobbies; Video Games (XBOX) and Spending time with the children
Accomplishments: 2019 TOC Cricket Singles Invitational Champion
2019 TOC Elite Doubles Champion
2018 South Dakota State Team Championship
2018 MOMA 501 Team Championship
2018 Singles Cricket Championship
Current sponsors: Booyah Darts and Flight Faction (www.FlightFaction.com)
Soft tip setup: Gabriel Clemens 19gram with 330 L-Style Carbon Shafts and Shape Flights
Steel Tip. Gabriel Clemens 23 gram with Cuesoul AK5 Rost Integrated Flight Shaft (Long)
